Personal Information
Name: Hyunkyoung Cho
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Address: (USA) 242 Lane Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
(Korea) 303 Gumho Hall, GIST, Gwangju 500-712 Korea
- Independent Scholar (Current)
- Visiting Professor, SSU (2016-Current)
- Researcher, Design Institute, Inge University, Korea
- Research Assistant Professor, GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology), Planning Group for Cultural Technology Institute, Korea
- Post-doc Researcher, Interdisciplinary Ph.D Program, ASPECT (Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought), Virginia Tech, USA (2010-)
- Ph.D in Engineering
Research Interests
- Savage+ology
- Causality and Finality
- Inter-Philosophy of Technology
- Decolonized-Decentralized Knowledge
- Bio-Information Design Aesthetics
- Intersections of Art, Technology and Humanity
- Philosophy and Aesthetics of Technology
- Collaborative Action of Computer and Human
- Technology based Contemporary Interactive Art
- Arts Politics, Political Theory
- Sustainable and Ecological Computing and HCI
- Culture Studies, Critical Theory
Education and Research Career
Unified Course of the MA & Ph.D in Dept. of Digital Media, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea (03.2005-2.2009/ Full fellowship)
Researcher, Brain Korea 21 Project (03.2006-2.2009)
B.A. (History), Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea (03.1990-12.1993)
Other Career and Activities
- Curator, SpaceMass (Media Art Gallery), Seoul, Korea (2005-)
- Digital Media Artist (2005-)
- Independent Documentary FilmMaker (2003-)
- DK Media. Co., Executive Producer & Director (2002-2005)
- Producer & Director, Screen Writer, Korean Broadcasting System (Korea’s Public Services Broadcaster) (1994-2002)
Teaching and Invited Lecture
As a Lecturer at Soongsil University (2007-2008, 2015-2016, 2017-2018)
As a Visiting Fellow at CRATerre-EAG, The Center for the Research and Application of Earth Architecture, the School of Architecture of Grenoble, France (03.2003)
As a Visiting Fellow at Dept. of Architecture, University of Kassel, Germany (03.2003)
EAI (European Alliance for Innovations), Member (2011-)
Scientist Artist Collaborations, Member (2011-)
Leonardo/OLATS group, Member (2011-)
Euro-Asia Pacific Cooperation on ICT (Information and Communications Technology) research, Member (2011-)
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Member (2010-)
Sustainable CHI (Computer-Human Interaction), Member (2009-)
FoAM, Member (International Group of Research, Design and Creative practices(2008-)
Korean Society of Design Trend, Member (2008-)
Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, Member (2006-)
Publications and Presentations
A. Publications
- (2017) Philosophy of Computer Game with BCI as Healthcare Information Design Outcomes: Toward a New Approach of Knowledge Game. Hyunkyoung Cho, Joonsung Yoon. EAI Endorsed Transaction on Creative Technologies, Vol.4, Issue 13 (Novermber) : 1-6.
- (2016) Decolonizing Knowledge: Politics and the Aesthetic of “We” Human-And-Technology, Hyunkyoung Cho and Timothy W. Luke, Intellect Ltd. (UK), Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 14: 3, pp. 175–185, doi: 10.1386/ta.14.3.175_1
- (2016)Toward a Decolonizing Approach to Game Studies: Philosophizing Computer Game with BCI, Accepted, will be published EAI Transactions on Creative Technologies and LNICST, Proceedings of ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation 2016 (2-3 May, Denmark)
- (2016) Well-Being of Decolonizing Aesthetics: New Environment of Art with BCI in HCI, Hyunkyoung Cho, 2015.12,
Accepted, Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services, LNCS, Volume 9735, pp. 244-255. (ISBN: 978-3-319-40396-0) 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016 Toronto, Canada,
July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings, Part II
- (2015) Toward a New Design Philosophy: Politics and the Aesthetic of “We” Human-And-Technology in Interaction Design, will be published in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. Proceedings of HCI International 2015 (Los Angeles, California, USA, 2-7 August)
- (2014) When Technology Collaborates: Politics and the Aesthetic of “We” Human-and-Technology, Volume 145 of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering series, 2015, pp 54-60, Print ISBN 978-3-319-18835-5, Publisher Springer International Publishing (Fourth International Conference, ArtsIT 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, November 10-12, 2014), and this will be included in this upcoming special issue of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies.
- (2013) When technology does the Arts: “We” human-and-technology, Atlantis Press, No.47, Nov. 2013, pp. 291-294. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on the Modern Development of Humanities and Social Science (1-2 December 2013, Hong Kong) indexing in CPCI-SSH and EI/Compendex.
- (2013) Aesthetics
of "We" human-and-technology, Springer, LNICST (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), Proceedings of ArtsIT 2013-International Conference Arts and Technology (21-23 March 2013). ISBN: 978-3-642-37981-9,Volume 116, pp.97-104. (SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings)
- (2013) Toward a New Way in Design Philosophy of HCI: Knowledge of Collaborative Action of "We" human-and-technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8004, 2013, pp 32-40, Human-Computer Interaction. Human-Centred Design Approaches, Methods, Tools, and Environments, 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings, Part I.Editors:Masaaki Kurosu, ISBN: 978-3-642-39231-3 (Print) 978-3-642-39232-0 (Online)(SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings)
- (2013) The Question Concerning Technology as Art, Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 373, 2013, pp 13-16, HCI International 2013 - Posters’ Extended Abstracts, International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings, Part I.ISBN: 978-3-642-39472-0 (Print) 978-3-642-39473-7 (Online)(SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings)
- When Technology Does Politics as Art: Politics and the Aesthetic of We human-and-technology, New Political Sciences, Special Issue 35.3. "Studying Politics Today: Critical Approaches to Political Science," September.
- (2011) The Problematic of Beauty Performed in Collaborative Action of Technology and Human Communications in Computer and Information Science 173, Springer 199-203 (SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings)
- (2011) The Politics of Collaborative Action of Technology and Human Communications in Computer and Information Science 173, Springer 204-208 (SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings)
- (2010) Why We? : The Politics of Collaborative Action of Technology and Human, The Society for Social Studies of Science, Science, Technology and Society (STS)117
- (2010) “Utopia of Aesthetic Technology,” American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal, Vol. 2, No. 3. 34-36
- (2009) “Performative Art; The Politics of Doubleness,” Leonardo 42: 3, MIT Press (A&HCI)
- (2009) “Two Sides of One: Performance and Performativity of Collaborative Action of Human and Computer,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings)
- (2008) “ A study on the Collaborative Action of Human and Computer in Human-Computer Interactive Art,” Journal of Korean Society of Basic Design and Art 9, No.6. , 489-497 (KCI)
- (2008) “The Moving Landscape: A Study of Autonomy of Human-Computer Interactive Art,” Design Forum 9, 133-142 (KCI)
- (2008) “Illusion of Technology in the Human-Computer Interactive Art,” ISEA (Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts) Proceedings
- (2008) “Aesthetic Technology,” Luminous Green Workshop: Reflecting on the role of the arts, design and technology in an environment of turbulence, (30-31 July), Singapore
- (2008) “Aesthetic Technology: Towards a New Aesthetic Value,” The 7th International Conference on Application and Principles of Information Science, Proceedings (28-29 January), Auckland, New Zealand
- (2007) “ Aesthetics of Programming in Human-Computer Interactive Art,” Tokyo Crossing-Media Ecology, (17-21 July), Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
- (2007) “How to See the Beauty that Is Not There; Aesthetic Elements of Computer Programming,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4564: 292-300, Springer (SCOPUS,ISI Proceedings)
- (2007) “New Media Real: The Rhetoric of the Hybrid of Text and Image,” Journal of Korean Society of Basic Design and Art 8, No.3. , 529-539 (KCI)
- (2006) “New Media Reality: The Interaction of Text and Image,” Journal of Korean Society of Basic Design and Art 7, No.4. , 601-608 (KCI)
B. Presentations and Exhibitions
(2012) POV of ASIAN, Independent Documentary Screening, Lane Hall, USA
(2011) “The problem of beauty performed by collaborative action of human and computer,” HCI International Conference, USA
“Why We: The Collaborative Action of Technology and Human,” The 2010
The Society for Social Studies of Science' Conference (25-28 August),
the 35th 4S annual meeting hosted by Japan STS, Tokyo
“Aesthetic Technology,” Luminous Green Workshop: Reflecting on the role
of the arts, design and technology in an environment of turbulence,
(2007) “ Aesthetics of Programming in Human-Computer Interactive Art,” Tokyo
Crossing-Media Ecology, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
“ Looking for the Sonya (Video, Installation),” The Group Exhibition
‘Mutation-Duplication 2: Nine Answers’, Gallery Lamer, Seoul, Korea
“Living with the Negative (Video, Installation),” The Group Exhibition
‘Mutation-Duplication 1: Money and Life Project, Gallery SCAPE, Seoul,
“Six Senses (Vision System based Interactive work, Installation),” The
Group Exhibition ‘See and Seen,’ Digital Gallery, Soongsil Univ.