
-How to know the uncertainty
-Beyond finality (teleological accounts on rapport of human subject and technologies object) 
-An doubt of certainty of perception 
-In AI and Machine Learning, 
-Reconsidering from the perspective of savage

Project1. A Survey Flight for Causality to Come: Neo-Causality After Finality
-Searching for: Causality after finality as a God.
-By: against coupling structure of Causality-finality,
-By: Reframing on Substance in the name of Truth, Correctness and Humanity, Morality and Modality, Ethics claimed in human beings.


-How to read and write 
-Living Together with technology

2) Inscription and Description
-thingness of thing (techniques/technologies and science of technologies)    

1. The Value of "We" human-and-technology 
2. Ethics of "We" human-and-technology 
3. Decentralization: Decentralizing Knowledge: Challenges of Politics and the Aesthetic of "We" human-and-technology for Our East-Asia Societies 

De/colonized Aesthetics

Do we have the technology to colonize it?

Do we have the knowledge, technology and resources to colonize it?

Discourse on Colonialism  with 
-a severe indictment of Technology 

 -Locality, Mobility, and Nationality 

1. Object-Oriented Philosophy and Aesthetics, Technology as Aesthetic Object
2. Biological Technology


1. Art at Lab.(Art@Lab.): The aesthetic reconstruction of technological experiments.  

2. Politics and the Aesthetic of "We" human-and-technology: When Technology Does the Arts. 

-A model of Practice-based Research
Brain-Computer Interaction
Bio-insect-Artificial Intelligent Robot Interaction
-LED Carrying-Artificial Floating Objects Art (LED Swarm Intelligence Art, LED Carrying, Self Organizing, Unmanned, Miniature, Multiple Agent Systems Art)
-How theory and practice can each lead to developments in the other: New Perspectives for Researching Knowledge of "We" Human-and-Technology: Collaboration of Theory and Practice, Art and Technology, Experience and Reason 

Post-doc Study II. (2011-2012)

Project: 'We' Act Together: The Collaborative Action of 
'We 'Human-and-Technology 
as a New Way of Knowing 
Linking Art, Technology and Humnaity. 
Aletheia of Humans Collaborating with Technology: The Performing Being and A Life.
 'We' Human-and-Technology: Friendship, Doubleness and Inversion. 
 The Binary of 'We' and 'They': Tolerance-Tactic, Fantasy Frame-The Fetish and Phantasmagoria. 
 'We' Fight: Decolonization beyond Traditional Instrumental Rationality. 
 'We' Partisans: Invagination as Action-based Interdependent Persepctive. 

Post-doc Study I. (2010-2011)

Project: The Poiltics of Collaborative Action of Technology and Human
Knowledge refomed by the collaborative action of technology and human; critical interpretation of technology based contemporary art and its exhibition; critique and recovering of human identity and humanity through the artistic application of technology; from human subject centered dichotomy to the sustainable and ecological communication

Why We: Technology and Human 
How to Perform We: The Performative of Collaborative Action 
What We Perform: On Two Fronts, the Critique of Knowldege Systems  
Who are We: In Conformity with Our Desire, We Perform What We are

Ph.d Study

Dissertation: Utopia of Aesthetic Technology 
 The desire of beauty performed in the collaborative action of technology and human. (2. 2010, Eng, 199pp.)(

Abstract see, Leonardo Abstract Service
(LABS, The database is peer-reviewed by Leonardo and Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA).

Reading Utopia: Aesthetic Technology as the Problematic of Technology-Human-Art 
Hearing Utopia: Collaborative Condition of Technology and Human
Thinking Utopia: Performing Beauty and Its Judgment 
Writing Utopia: Collaborative Action of Technology and Human
Speaking Utopia: The Performative

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